Friday, May 21, 2010

Project ideas so far

I'm just brainstorming here, but I do have some early ideas about the project such as:
Cathereing/collecting fresh water.
Purifying water so that it is safe to drink.
What is in our water before it is collected, and how do we remove these impurities?
How do we transport water from the source to the tap or into bottled water?
Mapping water resources across the United States, or just one state in particular (I.e. Michigan).

Well it's a start,tell me what you think and let's see where this goes.


  1. I think we should do "purifying water so that it is safe to drink." I googled some of it, and it seems like an interesting topic. How does everyone else feel about it?


    Professor Peterson sent this link to me for examples and ideas.

  3. Sounds cool, to me. Now how about that inspiration concept map. How are we gonna put that together?

  4. Well if we look at the example of a inspiration concept map she put on the website, it looks like we just need to brain storm different topics for our idea. Maybe all 3 of us come up with 2 different branches off of the topic of "purifying water so that it is safe to drink" and then by tomorrow evening we must all send it in and then one of us will create the concept map? I think just one of us creates it, if I am correct. I can create it IF everyone sends me their information by tomorrow at like ..6 or 7pm? I think I can do it in time. I might be wrong though. Double check on Module 2 and make sure I am right haha.

  5. Has Brooke contacted you with her e-mail address yet for the Blog? and did you add me as an administrator, also? Did you already post our BLOG URL to the submission or do we have to wait for Brooke to accept, also?

  6. Hounds good I'll start researching as soon as I can, and yes Brooke has contacted me about joining the blog I sent her the invitation and am just waiting for her to reply. I'll post my elements for the concept map on the blog and on e-learning.

  7. Hey, I did a ton on the concept map, so I will post it. Send me different ideas. I've got different methods, treatment, definitions, the process, standards, sources of water, what is water purification technologies?. Any other ideas- let me know! It looks pretty cool. I THINK I am doing it right

  8. However, I only listed those topics. I didn't actually answer them. I put "What are the different methods of water purification", etc.
