Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lesson Plan for week of May 25th

Alright, it looks like each of us needs to pick our own topic to write a lesson plan, which is due this week. What would everyone like to do? We have to make sure we don't do the same topic. I'd say we should look at the concept map and pull our ideas from there. Any ideas?


  1. Also, we will be picking 3 websites each (must be different for each person) and evaluate them. We will be using these websites for our project.

  2. I'll do the TYPES of water purification processes.

  3. I'll take the PROCESS of water purification.

  4. I really don't understand the lesson plan. Can anyone explain in detail for me what the "hot list" is? I'm a little confused.. Also, what grade level are we doing? I put Kindergarten.
