Friday, June 4, 2010


What is everyone's topic, so that we don't overlap?


  1. I think I might do "how to purify water at home or in the wilderness"

  2. Does anybody know how I make my slides last longer? Mine are only lasting 5 seconds and it isn't giving me enough time to talk on each slide..

  3. I know my video will be about "water from resource to mouth." For the slides there should be a way of increasing the time by lengthening the clips in the editing bar, however it has been a long time since I used movie maker, and I am now using an iMac. So good luck Tia.

  4. I'm going to do my video on "the uses and benefits of water" to show the students why water is so important before explaining the differences and similarities between Kalamazoo and Phoenix water resources.
