Saturday, June 5, 2010

Has anyone read the google document?

Brooke- I need your e-mail ASAP..
Greg- did you happen to create the google map yet? I thought we'd use Phoenix, AZ for our destination..

And, has anyone looked at the google document and made changes to it yet? I posted it a few days ago, but I need Brooke's email before I can allow her to edit it.

Please let me know everyone..


  1. Greg- I sent you the google map. I will send Brooke the invite once she gives me her email address.

  2. Sorry I haven't been on the blog as much as I would have liked to, work has been strenuous over the last few days, and yes I have reviewed the google document, and it looks good right now.

  3. Tia- sorry it took me so long to reply, can you add me so I can read/add some stuff to it. Please?! Thanks!
